The National Arts Drive
Saturday, June 20, 2020
1-4 PM PDT | 2-5 PM MT | 3-6 PM CT | 4-7 PM EDT | 5-8 ADT
The international RAW team is working to spearhead the movement in the listed cities below, however other cities (and countries) are welcome to and already have joined us for this day. If your city is not listed below, and you would like it to be we are open to independently organized drives by groups or individual ambassadors. If you’d like to become an ambassador in your city, town, or country please fill out this Ambassador Application.
Please Note: The final National Arts Drive map will be released to the public on
the morning of "Drive Day" June 20, 2020.
Final National Arts Drive Map will be available on June 20, 2020. This screenshot last updated June 3, 2020.
Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco, CA
Sonoma, CA*
Seattle, WA
Denver, CO
Boulder, CO*
Houston, TX*
Austin, TX
Dallas, TX*
Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH
Atlanta, GA
Boston, MA*
Washington D.C.
Brooklyn, NY
San Miguel Allende
Victoria, BC
Vancouver, BC
Calgary, AB
Edmonton, AB
Regina, SK
Winnipeg, MB
Ottawa, ON
Toronto, ON
Montreal, QC
Halifax, NS
*Independently Organized